The 17th Annual On Property Glenwarrah Hereford and Brooksby Angus Sale is on Wednesday 24th July 2024 at 11:30 am, at “Brooksby” Bundarra NSW.
94 BULLS on offer comprising:
44 Angus Two Year Old Bulls
28 Hereford Bulls ( Horn & Poll )
22 Yearling Angus Bulls
Click or tap on the Sale Catalogue image and it will open the Sale Catalogue PDF in a new tab. Click or tap on the Supplementary Sheet and it will download the XL Spreadsheet in your computer or phone.
There 44 x two year old Brooksby Angus bulls cataloged from Lot 1 to Lot 44 for this year’s sale.
Below is a selection of our Brooksby Angus two-year-old Bulls on offer. Click or tap on any image to view it in a Gallery.
Lot 1. Brooksby Portugal T339sv Lot 2. Brooksby Paris T028sv Lot 4. Brooksby Navigator T156 Lot 5. Brooksby Paris T435sv Lot 7. Brooksby Paris T068sv Lot 12. Brooksby Reality T410sv Lot 20. Brooksby Leading Edge T149sv Lot 21. Brooksby Quantum T426sv Lot 22. Brooksby Portugal T397sv Lot 23. Brooksby Leading Edge T037sv Lot 32. Brooksby Navigator T307sv
For more information about this year’s Brooksby Angus Bull offering please contact:
There are are 28 Glenwarrah Hereford Bulls (Horn & Poll) catalogued from Lots 45 to Lot 72 for this year’s sale.
Below is a selection of our Glenwarrah Hereford Bulls on offer. Click or tap on any image to view it in a Gallery.
Lot 46. Glenwarrah Delux T017 (H#) Lot 47. Glenwarrah Delux T016 (H) Lot 49. Glenwarrah Mumbai T172 Lot 52. Glenwarrah Mumbai T166 (H) Lot 55. Glenwarrah Mumbai T177 (H) Lot 67. Glenwarrah Prankster T215 (H#)
For more information about this year’s Glenwarrah Hereford Bull offering please contact:
There are 22 Brooksby Yearling Angus bulls that are cataloged from Lot 74 to Lot 95.
Below is a selection of our Brooksby Angus Yearling Bulls on offer. Click or tap on any image to view it in a Gallery.
Lot 84. Brooksby No Limit U310 Lot 86. Brooksby General U237 Lot 87. Brooksby Paris U272
For more information about this year’s Brooksby Angus Bull offering please contact:
Directions to “Brooksby” Bundarra NSW.
‘Brooksby’ is located 19km south of Bundarra or 53km west of Armidale on Thunderbolts Way. There is a mud map on page 43 of the Sale Catalogue.
You can also click on the map below and it will open Google maps where you can get directions, the fastest route from your location to the property and the trip time from your location.

Sale Information
- GST: GST is to be added to the purchase price at the fall of the auctioneer’s hammer. You will be invoiced purchase price plus GST.
- REBATE: 2% rebate to outside Agents introducing buyers in writing 24 hours prior to the Sale.
- AUCTIONSPLUS: This sale will be interfaced with AuctionsPlus. Register online at or call 02 9262 4222. Or bid through your preferred agent.
- TRANSPORT: All transport to be co-ordinated through Peter Kratz Livestock Transport unless you have your own truck.
- CATTLE HEALTH: All bulls were semen Tested by Nathan Krudinear (Bovine Breeders) on the 12th June and a report will be available following the sale. They received Ultravac 5 in 1 on the 14th June 2024 and were given lice treatment 10th June 202
- JOHNES: We are accredited J-BAS 7.
- INSPECTION: Bulls may be inspected prior to the sale or on the morning of the sale.
- INSURANCE: We recommend bulls are insured against injury and death.
- ACCOMMODATION: The closest Motels are situated in Armidale (61kms East), Uralla(55kms South) and Inverell (60kmsNorth).
- REFRESHMENTS: Sale day refreshments will be supplied by the Grace Munro Ladies Auxillary.
- ARRIVAL: Trucks entry at Abington Bridge, all other vehicles at ‘Brooksby’ Gate.
- DISCLAIMER: The owners, employees, sale staff, and representatives accept no liability for accidents that occur, although these are rare at cattle sales, any person attending does so at their own risk. While all care has been taken in the preparation of this sale catalogue, Glenwarrah principals accept no responsibility for any errors or omissions contained in this publication.
- CATALOGUES: Download the Sale Catalogue Here.
Sale Contacts
If you require more information please see the Sale Catalogue above. If you still have questions please contact one of the selling team and they will be happy to help you.
Selling Agents – Nutrient Ag Solutions

Cody van Heerwaarden
0421 272 223
Selling Agents – Nutrient Ag Solutions

Ed Hiscox
0467 000 170
Selling Agents – Nutrient Ag Solutions

Harry Phillips
0456 688 138
We have you covered if you cannot make it to the ‘Brooksby’ property for sale day. You can watch the sale and bid from your phone, tablet or computer via the sale interfaced with AuctionsPlus.
